Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Preparing to Sell Your Home: How Can I Quickly and Easily Stage My Home?

Staging your home for sale is important, but it doesn’t have to be costly or time consuming. Use some or all of the quick fixes below to spruce up your property and make it look more appealing, up-to-date, and ready to sell:

  • Clean and clear. Most importantly, make sure your home is clean and free of clutter, both inside and out.
  • Paint or touch-up. A few cans of paint can create a fresh appearance in just hours. Use neutral colors that will appeal to potential buyers.
  • Make small repairs. Take time to attend to those small repairs that you’ve been putting off before showing your home.
  • Create a mood. Transform main rooms into spaces in which prospective buyers can imagine themselves living. Some common accessories with which to do this include:
        - Lighting
        - Candles
        - Mirrors
        - Flowers
        - Pillows and small rugs
        - Baskets or potted plants

For more information about staging your home for sale, call me at 317.777.1805 or email me at I’ll coordinate staging that fits your budget while highlighting the best features of your property.

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